Contact US

To contact us, please fill out the form below.

Please note: If you would like to be introduced to other cousins who are researching our Berry line, please let us know by including the following  “I would like to know and research with my distant Berry Cousins.” in the text of your reply to us.  Please include the other requested information as well, so we can contact you back. When we determine that you  are a descendant of Robert Berry and Elizabeth Cate we will send you a list of email addresses and contact information of other consenting Berry cousin’s who are also researching our Berry family by email. We will always try to protect your Privacy on  this website.

A note from Benjamin Henderson

“Getting to know the other living dedicated Genealogical family researchers of our Robert and Elizabeth Cate Berry family is a way to expand our knowledge. We know this from 20 years of doing it the hard way. It took me 2 years before I met my first family Distant Cousin on the internet. She lived in Texas and happened to be descended from my ggg grandfathers half sister.

As more and more contacts were made we began to finally  expand our research and once we started using Y-DNA our knowledge really expanded rapidly. Matching YDNA is all we need to prove that any male is a member of our large family. It recently occurred to me that our current website provided no way to accomplish this. Connecting in the younger generations is so important. You are the researchers who will carry on this research after our generation can no longer participate.”

Let us know your privacy preference

Option (1) If you include this statement  “I would like to know and research with my distant Berry Cousins.” with your search question entered in the Comment form we will reply to your search question and your email address will be placed on a private list separate from our web page and will only be shared  with other Robert and Elizabeth Cate Berry  family researcher.

Option (2) If you don’t include   “I would like to know and research with my distant Berry Cousins.” with your search question  entered in the Comment form we will reply to your search question and your Email will not be shared with anyone. The choice is entirely yours.

Additionally, if you have any source information (links, census data, citations, wills, birth or death records) you would like to share with this website and your cousins, please include them in your Comment below. Thanks!


Last Updated Feb. 9, 2021

Copyright © 2021 W. A. Henderson and