1700-1799 Timeline

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1750 1760 1770 1780 1790

1704 Robert Berry was listed on the Virginia Rent Rolls in Norfolk.
1704 Virginia Rent Rolls.
1704 John Lawson describes conditions at the Occaneechi Village on the Eno where Hillsborough would eventually be established about 50 years later.
1728/29 Robert Berry (OC) was born in Princess Anne County, Virginia.
1730 Robert Berry (PAC) wrote his will and also died.
1735 Elizabeth Cate’s parents were John and Margery Lawrence Cate. John Cate had property on the Flat River in what is now Person County, N.C. His property was not far from the north boundary of Thomas Bradford, whose southern boundary joined Robert Berry’s 1757 Granville Land Grant.
1746 West portion of Edgecombe County was used to create Granville County.

1751 First newspaper in the colony, The North Carolina Gazette, was printed at New Bern by James Davis.
1752 Robert Berry entered in the office of the Right Honorable Earl of
Granville on the 6th Day of February, Anon Dom 1752. This Entry was made while Robert’s property was still in Granville County and before Orange County was formed.
1752 When Orange County was formed from the west part of Granville County, it became the most western county in North Carolina for about a year, until
Rowan County was established in 1753.
1752 In May of this year Orange was formed from parts of Johnston, Bladen and Granville Counties. It was named in honor of the infant William V of Orange. It is
located in the central section of the State and currently bounded by Durham,
Chatham, Alamance, Caswell, and Person Counties. The present land area is 399.84 square miles and the 2000 population was 115,331. The first courthouse was authorized and established in 1754 where the western path crossed the Eno River on the land of James Watson.
Childsburg was established in 1759 and was changed to Hillsborough in 1766. Hillsborough is the county seat.
1752 When Orange County was first formed, the county covered 3500 sq miles with a population of about 4000 settlers. 1000 of these settlers lived in the City of Hillsborough. The outlying area had a population of about one person per 1.2 square miles. By 1753, the population of Hillsborough had swelled to about 2000 people, or about .87 person per square mile. Robert Berry’s (OC) claim was about one square mile.
1752 Corbin Town was incorporated. William Churton was the surveyor and designed the city map.
1753 March 20th, 1753, the Warrant for Robert Berry’s Granville Grant was filed.
SCC Henry Gold, Thomas Cate, W Churton surveyor 3 Dec, 1753,
“Plat reads surveyed for Robert Berry Jr.” Patent Book 14:334
1753 Survey for John Cate was done on Dec 4th, next day after Robert Berry’s (OC) survey.
1754 Corbin Town was renamed Childsburg.
1754 The “Great War for Empire”(French and Indian War) broke out.
1755 Robert Berry was on the Orange County Tax List this year.
1756 Childsburg was renamed as Hillsborough, North Carolina.
1756 December Orange, NC, Court Minutes: Robert Berry agt, Richard Gibbs:
Thomas Williams security delivered up the Principal, Order’d the Sheriff take him into custody & commit Court Minutes [187]-94bk1 p56
1757 Robert Berry was granted a Granville Land Grant on May 12;
Court Minutes 14:244/344.
1757 March Orange, NC, Court Minutes: John Russell proved his Attendance
as Evidence in Suit Berry vs. Gibbs. Court Minutes [209]-105 bk1 p63
Phoebe Rand proved her Attendance as an Evidence in Suit Berry Against Gibbs. Lawrence Winfield proved his Attendance as an Evidence in Suit Berry Vs. Gibbs, John CATE & Margery, his wife, proved her Attendance as an Evidence’s (sic) in the Suit Court Minutes [212]-bk1 p6 Berry Against Gibbs for Plaintiff.
Robert Berry agt. Richard Gibb: In Case. And the defendant by his Attorney comes and defends the force and injury when and where &c. and Saith that he did not assume in manner and form as the Plaintiff against him declared and of this he puts himself upon the Country and the Plaintiff Likewise, Therefore let the Jury come agreeable to act of Assembly to Recognize &c. The same came the
Parties by their Attorneys whereupon came also a Jury towit: &c. who being elected tryed and sworn the truth to speak upon the issue Joined on their Oath do say that the Defendant did assume in mannor and form as the Plaintiff in his
Declaration hath set fourth and do assess Damages to four Shillings and nine Pence, Therefore it is the opinion aforsaid in form aforesaid Assessed and his cost by him in that behalf expended and the defendant in mercy &c.
Judgement L-: 4:9, Clerk 3:9:11
1758 September Orange NC Court Minutes:
A deed of sale from the Earl of GRANVILLE to Robert Berry for 260 Acres of land was proved in open court by the oath of William Churton and was ordered to
be registered.
1759 Court Minutes [325]-163 bk1 p93
1759 Robert Berry (OC) age 29 and Elizabeth Cate age 20 may have
married this year in Orange County, NC.
1759 March Orange, NC, Court Minutes:
The Following Persons Were Sworn As Grand Jurors: Aaron Vanhook, Lawrence Rambo, Gabriel Davey, Thomas Clark, James McGowan, Andrew McBroom,
Thomas Thompson, William Basket, Robert Berry, Thomas Dobbin, Henry Lem on, Robert Donnellson, Robert Patterson, John Satterfield, James Dinkins,
Thomas Whitehead, Hugh Wood, Hugh Smith. Court Minutes [187]-94bk1 P56
1759 Mary Berry was most likely born this year in Orange County, NC.
Parents: Robert age 30 and Elizabeth Cate Berry age 25.
1759 December Term Robert Berry Juror– Court Minutes [351]-176 bk1 p99

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1760 July 15 Robert Berry SCC in survey for Walton Land Grant 12:55
1760 Robert Berry Jr. was most likely born this year in Orange County, NC.
Parents: Robert age 32 and Elizabeth Cate Berry age 27.
1762 November 26, Robert Berry CC James Murdock Land Grant 12:1
1763 Treaty of Paris concluded the “Great War for Empire.” Britain inaugurated its “New Colonial Policy,” which embodied the idea of taxation of the colonies.
1763 John Berry was most likely born this year in Orange County, NC.
Parents: Robert age 35 and Elizabeth Cate Berry age 30.
1765 Parliament passed the Stamp Act. Protests in Wilmington and other places.
1766 Robert Berry (OC) built his Plantation House at Fiddleton. The Chimney is still standing in 2009, 243 years later.
1766 Joshua Berry may have been born this year in Orange County, NC.
Parents: Robert age 38 and Elizabeth Cate Berry age 33.
1766 The Stamp Act was repealed by Parliament.
1766 Robert Berry (OC) built his new Fiddleton Plantation House.                                           1766 Robert Berry Home, Orange County, NC
36.22373 N 36 degrees 13’ 25.4”
79.01882 W 79 degrees 01’ 7.8”
1767 David Caldwell opened his “Log College” in Guilford County.
1768 Farmers of Orange County organized the Regulator Association. Movement spread to other counties in the backcountry.
1768 Isaac Berry may have been born this year in Orange County, NC.
Parents: Robert age 40 and Elizabeth Cate Berry age 35.

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1770 Elizabeth Berry may have been born this year in Orange County, NC.
Parents: Robert age 42 and Elizabeth Cates Berry age 37.
1770 “Tryon Palace”, colonial capital at New Bern, was completed.
1770 A narrow strip of the West part of Orange County was used to make up parts of what would become Guilford, Randolph, and Rockingham Counties.
1770 Part of Wake County was formed from the southeast corner of Orange County, while Chatham County was formed by what was left of the southern part of
Orange County.
1771 May 16: Regulators defeated at Battle of Alamance by North Carolina
militiamen led by William Tryon.
1771 Caswell County was formed in the northwest corner of Orange County.
1772 Thomas Berry born to Robert age 44 & Elizabeth Cate Berry age 39.
1774 David J Berry born to Robert age 46 and Elizabeth Cate Berry age 41.
1774 August, First Provincial Congress met at New Bern. Non-importation policy adopted. Delegates chosen to First Continental Congress. October 25th , Edenton Tea Party held at home of Mrs. Elizabeth King.
1775 William Berry may have been born this year in Orange County, NC.
Parents: Robert age 47 and Elizabeth Cate Berry age 42.
1775 April 19th. The American Revolution began with the battles of Lexington and Concord, Mass. Governor Martin dissolved legislature.
May 20th, Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence.
May 31st, Mecklenburg patriots adopted Mecklenburg Resolves.
Governor Martin took refuge on British man-of-war.
Provincial Congress at Hillsborough put North Carolina on a war footing.
1776 Henry Berry was born this year in Orange County, NC.
Parents: Robert age 48 and Elizabeth Cates Berry age 43.
1776 Feb. 27th ,Tories were defeated by Whigs at Moors Creek Bridge, first battle of the Revolution in North Carolina. Apr. 12th. Provincial Congress at Halifax authorized North Carolina delegates in Continental Congress to “concur
Independency.” This was the first action of this kind by any state. Aug. 2nd , North Carolina delegates William Hooper, Joseph Hewes, and John Penn signed
National Declaration of Independence. Dec. 18th , Provincial Congress at
Halifax adopted the Bill of Rights and Constitution. Richard Caswell was chosen
1776 Inauguration of Caswell as first Governor of independent state of North
Carolina .
1777- 1779 State Legislature passed laws confiscating Tory property.
1777 November, Robert Berry to work on Road.
Court Minutes [1088]- 20- folio 10 bk3 p11
1777 November Term Orange, NC., Court Minutes:
Issd. Ordered That the Following Persons Work On the Road under Thomas
Rountree To Wit: James Allison, William McKee, James Murdock, Moses Gwin, John Murdock Sen., John Wilson, Archd Wilson, William Wilson, William Robinson, William Armstrong, Robert Berry, Michl, Robinson &
Danl, Mcmahan. These men were all neighbors of Robert Berry
1778 Articles of Confederation ratified by North Carolina.
1778 February term Orange, NC, Court Minutes:
The Grand Jury To wit: Saml, Allen Foreman, John Dickey, Robert Anderson,
Wm. Comb, Gilbert Strahorn, James Murdock, Robert Berry, John
Kelley, William Robinson, Hugh Finley, William Armstrong,
Benjamin Thompson, Henry Waggoner, & Andrew McBroom Being Empanelled
& Sworn Received Their Charge and Withdrew. Wortham Glenn Appointed Constable to Grand Jury. Court Minutes [1107]-Bk. 3 P?

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1780 March 13th, Robert Berry was Scc. for Wilson Land Grant 21:411-263 32/411 p66
1780 John Wilson Grant joins Robert Berry Land Grant p267/p 60 bk2.
1780 On October 7th there was a decisive American victory at the Battle of Kings
1780 Robert Berry was granted 293 acres of land from the state on the 13 March.
This property joined the east boundary line of Robert Berry’s 1757 Granville
Grant. The state-granted property also joined the property of John Wilson,
Richard Holeman, and William Armstrong. This new property lay between
Quarrel Creek and Lick Creek, branches of Flat River.
Deed Book: 42 Page: 19.
1781 March 15th, Cornwallis won a technical victory over Green at Battle of
Guilford Courthouse but began retreat toward Wilmington. Sept.12th ,Tories led
by David Fanning captured Governor Thomas Burke at Hillsborough and took him to Charleston. October 19th, Cornwallis surrendered to Washington at
Yorktown, Virginia.
1781 On April 2nd, George Waggoner wrote his Will appointing Robert Berry and Elizabeth Berry Waggoner as his executor and executrix. This was only 18 days after the battle of Guilford Courthouse. Most likely George died from wounds
suffered in that battle.
1781 Alexander Mebane, the county commissioner for Orange County, purchased 200 pounds of beef on the 2nd day of June from Robert Berry for the State of North Carolina. The purchase was made for eleven Spanish milled dollars on
credit, to bear interest at 6% until the general assembly could authorize payment.
1781 June Court, Caswell County: Sale of estate of: JohnCate, sold by: Thomas Neely,
deputy sheriff, Buyers: Abrum Hester, Robert Berry, Bennett Williams, George Waggoner, David Webb, Charles Pirant, Henry Hambrick, Benjamin Harrelson, William Aldridge. by James Benton Adm.
1781 November term Orange, NC, Court Minutes:
The Last Will & Testament of George Waggoner Decs. As Duly Prov’d In Open Court By The Oath Of George Clower A Subscribing Witness Thereto & Ordered To Be Recorded At The Same Time Mary Waggoner & Robert Berry Qualified As Executor & Executrix ToThe Same.Ordered That Letters Testamentary Issue to them accordingly. Court Minutes [1263]-108 Folio 54 Bk 3 P55
1781 Mary Berry Waggoner married James Kemp/Camp in Orange County, NC, sometime during the month of December of this year.
Bride’s parents: Robert and Elizabeth Cates Berry. Groom’s parents unknown.
1782 February term Orange, NC, Court Minutes:
An Inventory of the Estate of George Waggoner Decd. was returned on Oath by Robert Berry & Mary Kemp (sic) Exr. & Executrix &c. and Ordered to be
Recorded. Court Minutes [1273]-113-folio 56 bk 3 p 58 also Vol 13 [361] p 163
1782 May term Orange NC Court Minutes: Robert Berry is excused from
attending as Juror at this Court, he having shewn sufficient Reasons &c.
NOTE: Was he serving in the Continental army at this time?
Court Minutes [1277]-115- folio- 57 bk 3 p 59
1782 The Auditor’s Office, State of North Carolina, Hillsborough District
on August 7th, on his claim, paid Robert Berry nine pounds four shillings.
1783 Treaty of Paris between England and the United States. Official end of war.
1784 John Camp was born in Rutherford County. He was James and Mary Berry
Camp’s first son
1784 May term Orange, NC, Court Minutes:
Issd. Robert Berry Is Appointed Overseer of the Road in the Room Of James Murdock . Court Minutes [1429]-190-Folio 37 Bk 3 P90
1785 November 9th, Sarah Camp was born In Rutherford County, North Carolina,
She is the only known daughter of James and Mary Berry Camp.
1785 Catherine Berry, the only known daughter of Robert Berry Junior and Mary Camp Berry, was born in Orange County, NC. Is Catherine Waggoner related?
1785 Robert Berry received one fourth of his pay for serving as a private in the North Carolina Continental Line. He was paid twenty-three Pounds, nine Shillings and six Pence.
1786 August term Orange NC Court Minutes:
Issd. Michael Robinson Is Appointed Overseer of the Road in the Room of Robert Berry from Caswell Line to The South Fork of Little River. Court Minutes [1667]-309-Folio 38 Bk 3 P138
1787 Robert Berry Camp, the second son of James and Mary Berry Camp, was born in Rutherford County, North Carolina.
1787 George Berry- this may be the year he was born. He is the first son of Robert Berry Jr. & Mary Camp Berry & he was born in Orange County, North Carolina.
1787 Constitution of the United States drawn up at Philadelphia. Signed for North
Carolina by William Blount, Richard Dobbs Spaight, and Hugh Williamson.
1787 March 2nd, Robert Berry (OC) bought the Patrick Rutherford Plantation from
Rutherford’s three sons after his neighbor, Patrick Rutherford, had died .The three sons who signed the deed were William, James, & Thomas Rutherford.
1788 Convention at Hillsborough refused to ratify United States
Constitution but suggested many amendments to be incorporated into
the Bill of Rights. Convention voted to locate permanent capital of State
“Within Ten Miles Of Issac Hunters Tavern” in Raleigh, Wake County.
1789 August term Orange, NC, Court Minutes:
Robert Berry is appointed overseer of road in the Room of T Bowles.
Court Minutes [1780]-236 bk 4 p77
1789 University of North Carolina was chartered. The famous General Thomas Person, for whom Person County was named, contributed 1000 Spanish milled dollars to help start the school. Person Hall at the university is also named for him, and his personal desk is there today

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1790 First US Census
1791 Joseph Camp, the third son of James and Mary Berry Camp, was born in Rutherford County, North Carolina.
1791 Person County was formed in the northeast corner of Orange County.
17911792 Bastardy Bond issued to William Riley for Elizabeth Berry, a single woman who was pregnant with his child. The child was named Mary Berry and her grandfather, Robert Berry, named her in his will.
1791 Robert Berry released from overseer of road
1791 May term Orange, NC, Court Minutes:Wm.Jamison Vs. Robert Berry, Certiorari. Same Jury As To No. [Blank] Sworn Find Verdict For Plaintiff For L 1:4:9 & Cost. Court Minutes [2092]-54. Bk 4 P 106
1791 November Term, Orange, NC, Court Minutes:Book 4 pg 114
Issd. Adminstration Of The Estate Of James Waggoner Is Granted To
Catherine Waggoner At The Same Time She Entered Into Bond With
Robt. Berry Jun. Secy. In The Sum Of L 50. Court Minutes Bk 4 P114
1791 November Term Orange NC Court Minutes:Book 4 pg 115
Tho. Burke Exrs. Vs Geo. Doherty & Wm. Mebane: Debt. Jury Sworn To Wit:
1. Martin Parmer, 2. Brice Collins, 3. Tho. Brewer, 4. James Murdock,
5. Robt. Berry, 6. Jno. G. Rencher, 7. Jno. Armstrong, 8. Henry Terrel, 9. Tho. Connelly, 10. Jno. Mccollum, 11. Davd. Mccauly, 12. Benj. Peelor, Find The Deed To Be The Act & Deed Of The Defts, And That The Same Is Not Pd. &
Assess The Plaintiffs Damages To L 12:4:10 & Cost. Stay Ex. Til 15 Days Before Next Court. Court Minutes [2126]-382 Bk 4 P114
1791 November Term Orange NC Court Minutes:Book 4 pg ? The Execution of a Deed from Wm. James and Thomas Rutherford to Robert Berry was duly
Acknowledge in open Court by Joseph TAYLOR Esqr. Atto.&c. and Ordered to be Registered. Court Minutes [2133]-389 bk 4 p117
1792 Henry G. Berry, the second son of Robert Berry Jr. and Mary Camp
Berry, may have been born this year. He was born in Orange County, North
1792 Joshua Berry age 26 and Nancy Ellison age 17 were married on the 28th day of January in Orange County, NC. Bride’s Parents: unknown.
Groom’s Parents: Robert, age 62, and Elizabeth Cates Berry, age 57.
1792 The State of North Carolina is indebted to Robert Berry, late a soldier in the North Carolina Continental line, to the sum of 53 Pounds, 8 Shillings, 1 Pence.
Payment was made on the 7th of May. Robert Berry was age 62 at this time.
1792 Robert Berry was probably born this year. Parents: Joshua age 26 and
Nancy Ellison Berry age 17, estimated to have been born in Orange County, NC
1793 October 22 Starling Camp, the fourth son of James and Mary Berry Camp, was born in Rutherford County, North Carolina.
1795 Crossroad communities started to develop– Caldwell, Cedar Grove, Oaks, and
White Cross.
1797 David J. Berry and Mary Blalock were married on the 21st of Feb. in Orange
County. Bride’s Parents: Uknown. Groom’s Parents: Robert and Elizabeth Cates
1798 Dicey Berry was born in Orange, County, NC. Her parents were Joshua and
Nancy Ellison Berry .
1798 Sarah Berry was born April 4th in Orange Co. Parents: David J. and Mary Blalock Berry.
1799 Winifred Berry was born in Orange County, NC. Parents: David J. and Mary
Blalock Berry.
1799 William Berry age 24 and Hannah Cate Berry age 29 were married on August 12th in Orange County, NC. Bride’s Parents: William and Elizabeth Cate.
Groom’s Parents: Robert age 69 and Elizabeth Cate Berry age 64. Hannah and
Sarah Cate were sisters who married two Berry brothers, William and Thomas.
1799 Unknown Son was born in Orange County, NC. Parents were William and
Hannah Cate Berry.
1799 James Berry was born in Orange County, NC, died in Smith County,Tennessee.
Parents: Joshua and Nancy Ellison Berry

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Last updated February, 5, 2015