Fiddleton Cemetery

Fiddleton Cemetery Visitation July 21. 2007

THIS IS THE FIRST VISIT TO OUR ANCESTORS GRAVES FOR MANY OF THE DESCENDANTS There was a great turnout of Robert Berry and Elizabeth Cate Berry’s descendants unmarkedheadstoneon July 21, 2007. They came fron 14 states and from as far away as California. The Picture at the top of the page was taken on that day at the Fiddleton Robert Berry Cemetery. The headstone on the right has no marking on it. There were only 6 headstones with Inscriptions on them. All the rest are unidentified.

ANCESTORS AND NEIGHBORS WHO ARE BURIED HERERobert BerryElizabeth Cate Berry BerryElizabeth Berry (Robert’s daughter)Henry Berry( Robert’s son)Isaac Berry (Robert’s son)Hannah Cate Berry ( William Berry’s wife)William H. Berry ( Thomas Person Berry’s son)Sarah Lunsford Berry (Thomas Person Berry’s first wifeLucy Brown Berry (Thomas Person Berry’s second wife)Anne Bell Berry (James P. Berry’s daughter)James Berry (James P. Berry’s son)Mary KingThomas KingFanny AshleySusan A. CrabtreeJoshua Berry ?Nancy Ellison Berry ?Nancy Berry (Joshua’s daughter) ?Thomas Person BerryElizabeth Peed Berry(Thomas Person Berry’s third wife)

The headstone of Anne Bell Berry is on the left. To view a larger picture The red stone on the right is the headstone of Mary King. She is the wife of Thomas King. When Henry Berry died he left The Homeplace that he was living to his friends Thomas and Poly King. At this time I have not found a family conection but there may be one.

To view a larger picture of Mary King’s stone  Many of the Graves in this cemetery have no headstones,br. at all. They probably did have headstones originally but vandals may have removed them. You can still identify the graves however because they have sunken over the years.
The headstone below is unidentified as so many of the stones were. Anne Bell berry and her Brother are buried side by side. They are the Children of James P. Berry and Artillia Wedding Berry. James P. Berry is the son of Thomas Person Berry and Artilla Wedding is the daughter of Joseph and Louisa Wedding.
My second Great Grandmother Sarah Lunsford Berry headstone is the next picture on the right. It stood to reason that she was buried on the same land that their home was on so I was not supprised to find her headstone here. Thomas Person Berry married two more times after she died. He also lived 14 more years after she was buried in 1870.
I do not know exactly how many graves there are in this graveyard. We made a count and believe there are 23 graves and this is about the number of relatives that we think might be buried here. I wish we could clean the gravesite and by law we can but the curent owner is not receptive to this and I am not able to physicaly acomplish it myself. Thomas Person Berry’s second wife Lucy Brown Berry is buried right beside Sarah L. Berry She lived until January 12th 1881 after Danial R. Berry was born on December 23 1880. That is a total of twenty days and we can assume her death was due to complications from childbirth. Lucy was only 34 years old at the time of her death.
Dan was my Great Grandfather’s half brother and is buried with his two wives at Berry’s Grove Baptist Church. My mother knew him as Uncle Dan. He did not die until May 31,1957. I never met him myself as I recall.
Thomas Person Berry and Lucy had five children between 1872 and 1880. The other four were girls and the oldest one was only nine years when her mother died. The headstone on the left is Lucy Brown Berry’s. We did not find a headstone for Thomas Person Berry or his third wife but I think both of them are buried there. We do not know for sure that Joshus Berry was buried there but I think he was living somewhere on the plantation property when he was killed on October 8, 1838. In the 1850 Orange County Census Nancy Joshua’s wife and Nancy his daughter were living in houshold # 1743. Thomas Person Berry who I know was living on the plantation was listed as houshold #1747. Nancy Died between 1850 and 1860. It is just possible that she also died with the flu in 1858. She had a son Lewis that did die that year. My third Great Grandmother Hannah Cate Berry and Thomas Person Berry’s son William H. Berry died the same year. Joshua Berry’s daughter Nancy died in March 1883 and if her parents are buried here she is probably here. These are a sample of the stones that are here. Because of space on the page there are a few more that I have not shown.

Robert Berry was probably the first Berry ancestor to be buried in this Cemetery in 1814


The location of the FIDDLETON GRAVEYARD
NORTH 36 deg 13 min 42 min WEST 79 deg 01 min 07 sec

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