USA Conflicts

Timeline of wars involving the USA

Major Wars

  1. American Revolution (1775-1783)
  2. War of 1812 (1812-1815)
  3. Mexican War (1846-1848)
  4. Civil War (1861-1865)
  5. Indian Wars (colonial era to 1890)
  6. Spanish American War (1898)
  7. World War I (1914-1918)
  8. World War II (1939-1945)
  9. Korean War (1950-1953)
  10. Bay of Pigs (1961)
  11. Vietnam War (1961-1973)
  12. Dominican Republic (1965)
  13. Lebanon (1982-1984)
  14. Grenada (1983)
  15. Panama (1989)
  16. Gulf War (1991)
  17. Somalia (1993)
  18. Bosnia (1994-1995)
  19. Kosovo (1999)
  20. Afghanistan (2001- )
  21. Iraq War (2003- )

Indian Wars

  1. Tuscarora War (1711-1715)
  2. Yamasee War (1715-1717)
  3. Chickasaw Wars (1720-1760)
  4. Natchez War (1729-1731)
  5. Battle of Sitka (1804)
  6. Black Hawk War (1832)
  7. Texas-Indian Wars (1836-1875)
  8. Great Raid of 1840 (1840)*
  9. Antelope Hills Expedition (1858)*
  10. Battle of Pease River (1860)*
  11. Red River War (1874-1875)
  12. Puget Sound War (1855-1856)
  13. Dakota War of 1862 (1862)
  14. Colorado War (1863-1865)
  15. Red Cloud’s War (1866-1868)
  16. Comanche Campaign (1868-1874)
  17. Black Hills War (1876-1877)
  18. Nez Perce War (1877)
  19. Comanche Wars (1836-1875)
  20. Cayuse War (1848-1855)
  21. Red Cloud’s War (1866-1868)
  22. Rogue River Wars (1855-1856)
  23. Yakima War (1855-1858)
  24. Spokane-Coeur d’Alene-Paloos War (1858)
  25. Fraser Canyon War (1858)
  26. California Indian Wars (1860-65)
  27. Lamalcha War (1863 Chilcotin War (1864)
  28. Navajo Wars (1861-1864)
  29. Walapais War (1864-1869)
  30. Apache Wars (1864-1886)

Major Economic Downturns

  1. Panic of 1819 (1819 – 1824)
  2. Panic of 1837 (1837 – 1843)
  3. Panic of 1857 (1857 – 1860)
  4. Panic of 1873 (1873 – 1879)
  5. Long Depression (1873 – 1896)
  6. Panic of 1893 (1893 – 1896)
  7. Panic of 1907 (1907 – 1908)
  8. Great Depression (1929 to late 1930s)
  9. Recession of 1937.
  10. Post-Korean War Recession (1953 – 1954)
  11. The Recession of 1953
  12. 1973 oil crisis
  13. 1979 energy crisis – 1979 until 1980
  14. Early 1980s recession – 1982 and 1983
  15. Great Commodities Depression – 1980 to 2000
  16. Japanese recession – 1991 to present
  17. Asian financial crisis – 1997,
  18. Early 2000s recession – 2001 to 2003
  19. September 11th attacks -.2001