Dedication Page

I would like thank all of the Robert Berry relatives who have contributed to this history of our Berry Family. I would like to dedicate this Web Site to Mother Sally Malena Berry Henderson (1908 – 2002)

Mother is responsible for most of the pictures that I have. She was an avid collector of memorabilia. When I first started my investigation into the origin of our Berry family, Mother and I spent many pleasant hours on the phone. I am very thankful for those hours and I know she derived a lot of pleasure from our conversations as did I. This is one of the things I did for mother for which I am most proud. As long as I talked to her about relatives around the 20th century we communicated very well but when I started referring to familiar sounding names in the 1700 and early 1800’s she would say to me, I used to know him but he died about the time aunt Mary got married. So I guess Mother and I did have some problems with a generation gap.

Benjamin Berry Henderson Sr.

I would like to thank;
Joyce Foster
Pat Hutchings
Liz Merkle
Martha Mangum
Jo. Patterson
Carolyn (Cookie)Paulson
Lois White
Nell Berry
Aaron Henderson
and many many others who have contributed is so many ways.

All of us owe a Special Thanks of Gratitude to:
Wiley P. Berry Jr
Billy Wayne Berry
Dane Eaton Berry
John Allen Berry
Jeff Byron Berry
for submitting DNA samples to the Berry DNA project. Without their contribution we would never be as certain in our genealogy research as we now are.

I Think the Ultimate Complement to Our Berry Ancestors is Expressed by Our Love and Devotion to Genealogy

The picture in the background is Mother’s home
Oh the memories that must be there

MOTHER (1908 – 2002)


Sally Malena Berry Henderson