James P. Berry is the son 0f Thomas Person and Sarah Lunsford Berry
Generation 1 Robert and Elizabeth Cate Berry
Generation 2 William and Hannah Cate Berry
Generation 3 Thomas Person and Sarah Lunsford Berry
JAMES P. BERRY was born in 1845 in Orange County, North Carolina. On September 11 1871 James P. Berry married Artillia Wedding who was born about 1851. Artillia is the daughter of Joseph and Louisa Burton Wedding. In the 1850 Census Joseph Wedding listed house # 1736 and
James P. Berry age 8 was living with his father in the house listing # 1747. James and Artillia Berry had six children. Two of them died young.
James Berry was 2 years old when he died. The Headstone on the right is his. Annie Belle Berry was 13 years old when she died. His headstone is on the left on is hers. This is the way the graves are located in the Fiddleton Grave yard where they are buried
James P. Berry died on February 15th 1912 at the age of 67.
- Charles T. Berry b 1878
- Robert L. Berry b 1882
- Sarah Berry b 1886
- Annie Belle Berry b October 22nd 1889 d October 31st 1902
- James Berry b July 10th 1894 d May 12th 1896
James and Artilla lived in Orange County until James died in 1912
January 8, 2008
“ James P Berry was living next door to his father in Law in Cedar Grove in the 1880 census”
- James and Artilla first listed in the 1880 Census
- James and Artilla were living on the adjoining farm to his brother, John Robert Berry in 1900
- To Be Researched
- To Be Researched
- To Be Researched