Proof Page

Robert Berry of Orange County NC was born in Princess Ann County Virginia about 1729


  1. Generation  Roger Williamson and Ann Foster, South Norfolk County, Virginia.
  2. Generation  Richard Williamson and Mary Kempe, Princess Anne County, Virginia.
  3. Generation  Mary Williamson and Robert Berry (PAC), Princess Anne County, Virginia.
  4. Generation  Robert Berry (OC) and Elizabeth Cate, Orange County, North Carolina.


Roger Williamson married Ann Foster born in 1620 in England
Richard Williamson married Mary Kempe, Parents: George Kempe married Mary Hutchinson both born in England
Williamson Richard Princess Anne County, 1704
Mary Williamson married Robert Berry (PAC)

1755 tax list Orange County NC Tax List page 6
Richard Camp (Kempe?) found on OC 1755 Tax list page 6
William Robinson found in 1755 OC Tax list page 6


p 502                                                                                                                                                       Inventory of Charles Williamson 24 April 1734

Deed Book 5 p 11                                                                                                                                   Indenture 5 Aug 1735 Roger Williamson leased to Edward Thurston of Norfolk, Va. for 5 shillings 50 acres land given by John Kemp Sr. to his cousin George Kemp and rodger Williamson bound on James Kemp, John Williamson, Henry Mathias, and William Robinson 6 Aug 1735

William Robinson Deed book 5 P 11 (see document above) Princess Ann County Va.
James Nickelson found in 1755 OC Tax list page 6 living next door to William Robinson
Elizabeth Carraway (Ann Fosters daughter by her second husband) married a Nicholson
Elizabeth Carraway Nicholson was Robert Berry (OC) Half great aunt
Nicholls Elizabeth Princess Anne County, 1704
Nicholson Henry Norfolk County, 1704
Nicholson Jno Norfolk County, 1704
Nicholson Wm Norfolk County, 1704
James Craford found in 1755 OC Tax list page 6
Crawford Wm Capt Princess Anne County, 1704
William Craford Release of land (see image above)in Princess Ann County Va
Aug 1751 On the motion of William Martin it is ordered that he have the ____Labor or two Negro boys named Hercules and Cesar as an apprentice for taking George Askis an apprentice and its further ordered that the said Martin have leave to carry said negrow into North Carolina with him provided he give bond and security in the sum of 200lbs current money of Virginia to see the said Negros fourth coming when lawfully remanded.

1755 tax list Orange County NC Tax List page 7
Robert Berry (OC) found on 1755 OC Tax list page 7. Made Entry for Granville Land Grant, Feb 6 1752
Berrey Robert (PAC) Norfolk County 1704 died in 1730 Princess Ann County VA.
William Hartin (Martin) found in 1755 OC Tax list page 7
William Martin found in court Document above Aug 1751 Princes Ann County Va.
Robert Berry Made Entry for Granville Land Grant on February 6th 1752
Matthew and Sarah Williamson Mathias were Robert Berry’s (OC) Uncle and Aunt
Matthew Mathias found in 1755 OC Tax list page 7. (Probably first cousin to Robert Berry (OC))
Mathias Matthew Princess Anne County, 1704 (probably husband to Sarah Williamson)
Henry Gould (Gold) on 1755 OC Tax list page 7 Chain Carrior on Dec 3rd survey of Robert Berry Granville Land Grant in OC
Carns Tenant on OC 1755 Tax list page 7
George Williamson sold 54 acres to Samuel Tenant deed book 9 page 125 Princess Ann County
John Tenant found next door to Robert Berry in OC Tax list page 7. He may have been living with Robert Berry .
Richard Gibbs found in OC 1755 Tax list page 7. (Robert Berry had suit against Richard Gibbs in OC 1757)
Gibbs Jno Capt Princess Anne County, 1704

1781 Mary Berry (daughter of Robert Berry (OC) married James Kempe in Orange County NC
1884 Robert Berry Jr. ((son of Robert Berry (OC) married Mary Kempe in Orange County NC
1886 George Berry (first son of Robert Berry Jr. was born)
May have been named for George Kempe Princess Ann County VA.

Robert Berry (OC) and Elizabeth Cate named their first daughter Mary Berry and their first son Robert Berry Jr.
Using the English naming pattern the first son would be named after his Paternal grandfather the first daughter would be named after the Paternal grandmother. Robert Berry (OC) parents were Robert and Mary Williamson Berry (PAC)

Using the same naming pattern one would believe that Robert Berry’s (PAC) father might be Richard Berry because
they named their first son Richard Berry. Robert and Mary Williamson Berry only had two sons.

Robert Berry (OC) was just a baby when his father died in 1730.