Adams, Aldridge, Alexander, Alford, Allen, Alwin, Anderson, Ashley, Awtrey, Baker, Barbee, Barnes, Barnett, Beach, Beatty, Beck, Benham, Birdwell, Black, Blackwood, Blalock, Booher, Bowles, Bowling, Bradley, Brasher, Bratcher, Breeze, Brewer, Brown, Buchanan, Burk, Burnette, Burton, Camp, Carr, Carter, Cassey, Cate, Cates, Cavanaugh, Chandler, Chapman, Chappell, Childs, Clayton, Cody, Colvin, Cook, Corbette, Cordrey, Cox, Crabtree, Crow, Crowley, Culver, Cunningham,Di-gillea, Daniel, Daugherty, Davis, Day, Deavours, Dennis, Dippold, Dobbins, Dorton, Dulin, Duncan, Durham, Edwards, Elder, Ellis, Ellison, Ernest, Erwin, Everett, Farquhar, Farris, Felts, Fendley, Fetherkile,Fletcher, Floyd, Foiles, Fondrun, Foushee, Fowler, Francis, Franklin, Furguson, Gaither, Gilliand, Graves, Gray, Gregory,Grissom, Gutman, Hall, Hallmark, Hamilton, Hamrick, Haney, Hardin,Harding, Harlow, Harper, Harris, Harton, Havens, Hayes, Hayward, Henderson, Hendricks, Henry, Herron, Hightower, Hitchcock, Holden, Holeman, Holt, Hooker, Horner, Horton, Howard, Howell,Humphies,Hunley, Ingle, Irvin, Irwin, Jackes, Jackson, Jeffries,Jenkins,Jennings,Jewel, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Jonson, Jordan, King,Kinney,Kisling,Kizziah, Kizzire, Lane, Lann, Lee, Leslie, Lindsey, Lockley, Long,Lowery,Lowry, Lunsford, Mack, Mallett, Manion, Manning, Marks,Marley, Martin,Mattox, Maughan, May, McAdams, McAnelly, McClellan,McClung,McClure, McCollum, McCoy, McCulloch, McDonald, Melton, Milam, Miller, Moake, Moore, Morgan, Morris, Mullins, Murdock, Murray, Nelson, Newton, Nichols, Niel, Nix, Nolen, Norman, Oakley, O’Hair, Osborn, Owens, Pamplin, Parish, Parker, Paterson, Patterson, Paul, Pearson, Perkins, Petty, Phillips, Pickett,Pickle, Pitts, Platt, Pope, Primer, Pritchett, Pucci, Pugh, Ray, Reaves, Reed,Regan, Rhodes, Richardson, Riley, Rimmer, Ritter, Roberts,Rodgers,Rogers,Ross, Schroeder, Scott, Sellers, Sexton, Shipman, Shirley,Shokley, Shull, Simms, Simson, Smith, Speake, Spicer, Stallsworth,Stanfield, Starke,Stockes, Stocks, Strickland, Suits, Summers, Tague, Taylor, Terry, Thirlkill, Thompkins, Thorpe, Tilly, Tolar, Tompkins, Turley, Turner, Valentine,Vickers, Waggoner, Walk, Walker, Wallace, Walters, Ward, Watkins, Watson,Webb, Webber, Wedding, Whitaker, Whitfield, Whitson, Whitt, Whitten,Whorton, Williams, Williamson, Wilson, Winn, Wolf, Woods, Wooten,Worsham, Wrenn, Wright, Wynn, Yarbrough, Yerby, Young, Zimmerman.
There are 291 names in the list above. Some may be misspelled and some may be in error. There are many known Berry descendants listed in this book who’s spouses and other pertinent family information is unknown at this time.
The Robert Berry Family Index Book Second Edition eBook is FREE
You may know information that will help me fill in a lot of unknown information for the Third Edition. Also my hope is that many new researchers will become aware that they are related to our Berry Family and will supply new information to expand our knowledge of our Family.
You can contact me from berrytree by clicking on the dropdown at the top of any page. I will then get in touch with you so that your data that can be included in the Next Edition of this project. I had four very valuable replies from the first Edition that provided a lot of new information that is currently recorded in this Second Edition.
By working this way the Robert Berry Family Index Book will become more accurate and more valuable to all of us as time passes.